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dear drcarlo is there a flow chart for general psychiatric diagnosis [for GPs] thanks

+1 vote
related to an answer for: SSRI for IBS-C & Social Anxiety Disorder
asked Apr 23, 2019 by swami (160 points)

1 Answer

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Actually, I'm working on an AI app to help GPs make psychiatric diagnosis- stay tuned, and subscribe to my website to follow the latest developments: https://carlocarandang.com/

answered Apr 23, 2019 by drcarlo (298,060 points)
selected Apr 23, 2019 by swami
Thank a lot Dr
Hi Dr Carlo

Any news regarding the above topic? Can you suggest any websites if you have not yet prepared? I am not able to subscribe to your website. can you explain how to do it? thanks
We are still building that AI app. What is your email? I will email you to try it out when we finish it this summer.
Hi Dr. Carlo


thanks its koothanj@gmail.com